This week Vienna will share Pride far beyond its borders
We have a Board of eight Directors, elected by the AGM. Board members are elected for terms of two years, and can stand for a maximum of four terms. We have a Board of eight Directors, elected by the AGM. Board members are elected for terms of two years, and can stand for a maximum of four terms. Each board member has a specific role and function to carry out. These are:
  • President: The leader of the organisation, providing leadership and guidance to the rest of the board and representing the organisation in the media and in other international forums.
  • Secretary: Providing support to the whole board, planning board meetings and writing minutes including of the AGM, and ensuring we adhere to the requirements upon us as an NGO based in Belgium.
  • Treasurer: Responsible for all financial management of the organisation, budgeting, reimbursements, and liaison with InterPride on membership.
  • Communications Coordinator: Managing all EPOA’s communications channels including social media, member communications, and events. This role involves close liaison with EuroPride host organisations.
  • Conference Coordinator: Organising and managing all EPOA AGMs and conferences, board meetings and other events, liaising with local hosts and coordinating travel, accommodation and other requirements.
  • EuroPride Coordinator: Liaising with and providing guidance and support to future EuroPride host organisations, supporting the development of their events, and facilitating the EuroPride Steering Board.
  • Human Rights Coordinator: Monitoring the situation for human rights across Europe, liaising with external partner organisations, and working with member and non-member Pride organisations where action is required to challenge restrictions on Pride.
  • Membership & Outreach Coordinator:  Managing the relationship with existing and potential member organisations, encouraging new organisations to join, liaising with InterPride’s membership team, and being the first point of contact at the board for member organisations.
  • The board is formally tasked with the delivery of the annual work plan agreed at the AGM.

Who can stand for the Board?

All full member organisations can propose a member of their team to stand for the board, but no single member organisation can have more than one board member. We are keen to ensure that our board reflects the diversity of the Pride movement we support. We are particularly keen to encourage candidates from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, people with disabilities, people living with HIV, and people who identify as trans or non-binary. To run for the role of EuroPride Coordinator the candidate must have organised a EuroPride in the last five years or have served at least one year on the EPOA board.

What is the commitment?

The board meets four or five times each year, and occasionally online. The meetings take place across Europe, often hosted by member organisations. Typically board members arrive on Friday morning, have meetings from Friday afternoon to Sunday lunchtime, and then depart Sunday evening. Board members are required to attend a majority of meetings, and the Annual General Meeting each autumn. There is no requirement to attend EuroPride itself, although this is encouraged. Board members are expected to carry out the business of their role in between board meetings, and keep in regular contact with the rest of the board via online discussion platforms.

What are qualifications required?

We don’t require any formal qualifications, but we do ask that candidates have valid experience which might have been gained from within Pride or from their professional life. Of course, they must also be fully committed to the Pride movement, to LGBTI equality, and to human rights, and to be willing and able to carry out the role for which they are standing for a two year period. EPOA operates in English and so all board members must have at least a conversational competence in English.

Are expenses covered?

We cover the cost of travel, accommodation and an evening meal for all board members at board meetings. We expect board members to use the cheapest possible means of travel. We stay in modest hotels, and do not cover incidental costs such as evening entertainment. We recognise that being a board member of EPOA does come with additional expense, but we are keen to ensure that this does not prevent suitable candidates from standing. In some circumstances we can offer a per diem reimbursement to enable participation. Some member organisations also provide financial support to their team members who join the board.

What does EPOA provide?

We provide an official email account, access to our online office management system, a flag and EPOA t-shirt, raincoat and hoodie, and support from the other members of the board. Above all, we offer a rewarding and (we hope!) fun experience.

How do I become a candidate of the board?

Individuals who wish to stand for the board should discuss their candidacy with their organisation to get their support. They should then email to declare their candidacy, and questions about the process or the roles can also be sent to this address. Whilst we prefer to hear from candidates in advance of the AGM, the latest point at which a candidacy can be declared is at the AGM itself. Candidates are invited to address the AGM to explain why they wish to stand for the board, what they could bring to the role, and why members should vote for them.

Election in 2024

The following roles will be elected at the AGM in 2024:
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Human Rights Coordinator
  • Membership & Outreach Coordinator