EuroPride is a pan-European international LGBTI event featuring a Pride parade, hosted by a different European city each year

Applying for EuroPride

Licensing the title ‘EuroPride’

The European Pride Organisers Association accepts EuroPride applications from organisations that have been a full member of EPOA for at least 12 months at the time of the bid and who have organised at least two Pride events in the last four years. The organisation must commit to remaining a member until at least 12 months after their delivery of EuroPride, and to attending the four Annual General Meetings following the one at which EuroPride was granted to them.

Forthcoming EuroPride bids

  • For EuroPride 2027, letters of intent were due by 31 March 2024, with a decision at the AGM in 2024. Letters of intent have been submitted by ACOGAT / Torremolinos Pride (ES), LGL / Baltic Pride Vilnius (LT), Pride in Gloucestershire (UK) and Torino Pride (IT). No further letters of intent will now be accepted for 2027. Full bids must be submitted by 17.00 CET on Monday 2 September and they will be published here at 12.00 CET on Friday 6 September.
  • For EuroPride 2028, letters of intent can be submitted between 1 January and 31 March 2025
  • For EuroPride 2029, letters of intent can be submitted between 1 January and 31 March 2026.

Letter of intent

Pride organisations who wish to bid for EuroPride must send a letter of intent from an official email address between 1 January and 31 March three years prior to the proposed date of event. This can be done by email to Although we encourage member organisations to wait until after submitting a letter of intent, the are welcome to announce an intention to bid at any time. Only when the letter of intent is accepted by EPOA, however, does the bid process formally begin.

Communications guidelines

Bidding organisations should read and follow our Communication Guidelines for Organisations Bidding for EuroPride.

The application

Each applicant shall send a bid book by email in English to EPOA 60 calendar days prior to the starting date of that years AGM. An application fee of €250 must be paid within two weeks following the application. The applicant must be present at the AGM.

Bid-book content

Any bid must include:
  • Name, full postal address, telephone and e-mail address of the candidate and contact person(s).
  • A full description of the history and legal status of the organisation and its structure.
  • The proposed date of the event(s) and the geographic location and a timeline for the two years leading up to the events (including any EPOA events, such as the AGM).
  • Details of the proposed program including an opening ceremony, a March/Parade, a Human Rights event and a closing ceremony.
  • A business plan for the event including a full budget, organisational structure and key personnel.
  • A marketing plan for the event including a timetable, event format and costs.
  • A full description of the political context of the program, its projected impact on a European scale and how the program of the event will meet the vision of EuroPride
  • General information about the city/region/country including international airport locations, transportation, health and safety issues, accommodation location and costs.
  • A brief description of LGBTI life in the host city/region/country.
  • A description of any special political, cultural or social reasons for hosting the event

Supporting documents

Applications are required to be accompanied by the following documents. If any of these documents cannot be obtained, a reason must be given, why such documents are unobtainable. Letters of support from:
  • LGBTI organisations within the region in which the event(s) will take place exhibiting the support of the region
  • The mayor, the city, the government
  • LGBTI businesses
  • Media
  • Prospective sponsors
  • Local tourism authorities
  • Travel partners (airlines, hotels, travel agents) and other co-operation partners, etc.
  • Human rights organisations
We appreciate that in some regions, the support of the government or city is not possible, nor are there any LGBTI businesses. Full financial information for the past three years, including balance sheets and other related documents clarifying the financial health of the member organisation. The application must comply fully with these rules of procedure and the constitution of EPOA. The applicant must attend the Annual General Meeting of EPOA where the application is considered and all subsequent Annual General Meetings prior to and at least two subsequently after the event.


The decision to award the title EuroPride will be taken by secret ballot at the AGM with a simple majority vote. This decision will take place three years before the actual event (e.g. in 2024 for EuroPride 2027).

Status reports

It is the task of the selected member to be present at the following four AGM’s to give reports and ideally to host the AGM the year before their licensed EuroPride takes place. The licensing agreement will specify regular reports and the communications policy and contacts.

Other issues

The applicant shall keep EPOA informed about the organisation of the event and any probable difficulties. The licensing agreement will specify regular reports and the communications policy and contacts.

Licensing fee

The selected member shall pay an unredeemable licensing fee of €10,000 before the event and a share of the potential profit from the EuroPride event not exceeding €10,000. The first instalment of the licensing fee is €3,500 and has to be paid no later than six months after the AGM where the title was awarded. The second instalment of the licensing fee is €3,500 and has to be paid no later than the AGM following the AGM where the title was awarded. The third instalment of the licensing fee is €3,000 and has to be paid no later than March 31 in the year of the event. The profit share will be regulated by the licensing agreement but shall not exceed €10,000. See our bylaws for full information